• Prof. Ya’acov Roi
    Soviet History, Islam in the Soviet Union and CIS, Soviet-Israeli relations, Jews in the USSR
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  • Dr. Raz Segal
    Thomas Arthur Arnold Postdoctoral Fellow, The Zvi Yavetz School of Historical Studies, Tel Aviv University
    Modern European History, especially central and southeast Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; Genocide Studies; Holocaust history; modern history of Jews; interethnic relations and conflict
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  • Dr. Roni Stauber
    Holocaust studies, post WWII Jewish communisty, Israeli society and the Holocaut, Israeli-German relations
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  • Dr. Leonid Smilovitsky
    Jews of Bielorussia
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  • Dr. Raphael Vago
    East European History, former communist countries of Eastern Europe
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  • Dr. Sagi Shefer
    Cold War history, East Germany, Poland after 1945
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