Tsirkin-Sadan Photo 

Rafael Tsirkin-Sadan has received his PhD from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
and served as the Stanley A. and Barbara B. Rabin Postdoctoral Fellow at Columbia University.
His research interests include: Russian literature and intellectual history, Hebrew literature,
literature and history, transnationalism and narratives of immigration. Rafi is the author of
two books Jewish Letters at the Pushkin Library: Y.H. Brenner's work and its connection
to Russian Literature and Thought (Bialik Institute, 2013), and Wandering Heroes,
Committed Writers: Nihilists and Nihilism in Russian Literature (Van Leer/Hakibutz Hameuhad,
forthcoming in 2015). As a Postdoctoral Fellow of Israeli Partnership in Russian Studies he will
be teaching two courses at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: "October Revolution in Film
and Literature" and "Family-breakdown in Anna Karenina and Brothers Karamazov"