• General History Department
    Militarism and civil society in Germany in the modern age, Romantic nationalism, society and culture in totalitarian regimes
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  • Prof. Gershon Bacon
    Polish Jewry, Orthodox Judaism, East European Jewry
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  • Dr. Uri Bar-Noi
    Diplomatic history of the Soviet Union
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  • Dr. Urial Gellman
     Department of Jewish Studies
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  • Dr. Anna Geifman
    Department of Political Science
     Political Extremism, terrorism, Russian Revolutionary movements
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  • Department of Jewish history and Contemporary Jewry
  • Jewish-Polish relations in the 20th Century, the Holocasut in Poland, Memory and Memoralization of the Second World War
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  • Political Science
    Soviet Jews and Jewish communities in the CIS
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  • Department of Comparative Literature,
    Russian Literature, Modern Literature
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  • Prof. Dan Michman
    The Holocaust- Modern Jewish history
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  • Modernization and secularization trends among European Jews in the 18-19th centuries
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  • Dr. Larissa Remennick
    Department of Sociology and Anthropology
    Sociology of immigration, Soviet Jewry, Jewish Diaspora
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  • Prof. Moshe Rosman
    Jewish studies, Early modern, Hasidism, Gender, History, Poland
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