Refereed Publications

“Homelands: the Severing of Polish-Israeli Relations, June 1967,” (in Hebrew) Israel, Studies in Zionism and the State of Israel - History, Culture and Society 20 (2012)

“The Fifth Column: the anti-Zionist campaign in Poland, 1967-1968,” (in Hebrew) Zmanim: historical quarterly 116 (October 2011)

 “Between Emigration and Silence: Jewish reactions to the anti-Zionist campaign in Poland, 1967/68,” Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook/ Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts IX (2010)

“The Encyclopedia Affair: Discussing the Holocaust in Poland after June 1967,” in review and re-submit at Slavic Review

 “Club Babel,” in Dan Diner (ed.), Enzyklopaedie juedischer Geschichte und Kultur (Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture) (The Simon Dubnow Institute and Verlag J.B. Metzler, 2011)

Book Manuscript (completed)

Homelands: the anti-Zionist campaign in Poland, 1967-1968,



“Communist Poland and its Jewish minority from the Israeli perspective, 1956-1968,” Poland in Central Europe, The Second International Congress for Foreign Scholars of Polish History, Krakow, 13-15 September 2012 (forthcoming)

Confronting the Holocaust in Postwar Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary, International Summer Research Workshop for Scholars, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, July 30-August 10, 2012 (forthcoming)

“An Uneasy Welcome: Polish Jewish immigration to Israel, 1968,” Multicultural Israel in a Global Perspective: Between One Society and Many Societies, Association for Israel Studies 28th Annual Conference, University of Haifa, June 25-27, 2012

“Our War, Your Holocaust: battles of memories in communist Poland,” Fear of Neighbors: Workshop on Jews, Non-Jews and the Twentieth Century, Tel Aviv University, April 15, 2012

“Between Warsaw and Jerusalem: the Eichmann Trial in Poland,” 50 Years to the Eichmann Trial: the event and its meaning, international conference, University of Haifa, March 6-8, 2011

“The last days of Poland’s Jewry: March 1968 as seen through Israeli eyes,” Polish Jews in France and Israel: Trajectories, Representations, Tools of Memory, international workshop, Warsaw University, February 21-22, 2011   

“From Zionist Conspiracy to Zydo-Komuna: reframing the anti-Zionist campaign in Poland,” The Aftermath of the Holocaust: Poland 1944-2010, international conference, Yad Vashem, October 3-6, 2010  

“The Breaking of Diplomatic Relations between Poland and Israel, June 1967,” (in Hebrew) Tel Aviv University, March 2, 2010

“Sharing a Homeland: Poles and Jews under Communism,” (in Hebrew) Yad Vashem, January 6, 2010

“Anti-Judaism and Antisemitism: The Jew in the European Historical Imagination,” Understanding Facets of Contemporary Antisemitism, symposium, Yale University, April 3, 2009

“”Zionists to Dayan:” The anti-Zionist campaign in Poland,” Contemporary Trends in the Research on the History and Culture of Polish Jewry: Israeli and Polish Perspectives, summer workshop for Israeli and Polish young scholars, The Center for the Research on the History and Culture of Polish Jewry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 21-22 July, 2008

“Historical research and public debates on the Holocaust in 1960s Poland,” (in Hebrew,) From both Sides of History: the Debate on Polish Jewish Relations, panel event, the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, July 8, 2008

“Emigration or Silence - Jewish reaction to the anti-Zionist campaign in Poland,” The Jewish Escape from Poland 1968 - Nationalism and Communism within the People's Republic, international workshop, the Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish history and culture at Leipzig University, May 5-6, 2008

"The Fifth Column: The launch of the anti-Zionist Campaign in Poland, June 1967,” the 39th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, Toronto, Canada, December 2007  
‘Discussions of the Holocaust during the anti-Zionist campaign in communist Poland, 1967-1968’, Lessons & Legacies IX: Memory, History and Responsibility:  Reassessments of the Holocaust, implications for the future, international conference, Claremont McKenna College, November 2006


Adjunct Lecturer, University of Haifa, lecture course: Introduction to Modern East European History after 1945

2011-2012; 2012-2013
Adjunct Lecturer, The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, lecture course: Relations between Jews and non-Jews after the Holocaust (in English and Hebrew)

Adjunct Lecturer, University of Haifa, seminar: The History of Jews during the Holocaust

Instructor, Stanford University, seminar: Beyond the Shtetl: Jews and Poles, 1881-1946