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Date of birth: 4.10.1971 Place of birth: Leningrad, USSR Date of aliyah: 16.12.1992 Languages: Russian, Hebrew, English, Yiddish, German (reading), Polish (reading), French (reading), Ukrainian (reading).


2007    Ph.D. degree, Summa cum Laude, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Ph.D. thesis: “Jewish Politics in the Russian Empire during the Period of Reaction, 1907-1914.” Supervisor: Prof. Jonathan Frankel.
1998    M.A. degree, Department of Russian & Slavonic Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. M.A. thesis: “Russian Jews and the Three First Dumas: The Elections and the Jewish Question in the Dumas (1906-1912).” Supervisor: Prof. Jonathan Frankel. The thesis received the Bernard and Naomi Pridan Prize (Institute of the Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew University of Jerusalem).
1989-1992    Studies in the Jewish University in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).
1988-1992    Studies in the A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogic University of Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Faculty of History.

Current Research Projects

1.    “Social History of the Synagogue in Eastern Europe.”
2.    “Synagogues in Volhynia (Ukraine)” – a research and publication project of the Center for Jewish Art at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
3.    “Synagogues in Latvia” – a research and publication project of the Center for Jewish Art at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Jewish Museum in Riga.

Scholarships, Fellowships and Prizes in the last years

2012    Post-doctoral fellowship, Inter University Academic Partnership in Russian and East European Studies (IUAP)
2010    The Bezalel, Mordechai and Nessia Narkiss Prize for Excellence in Research on Jewish Art
2010    Visiting Scholar, Emmy Noether-Forschungsgruppe “Wege der Rechtsfindung in ethnisch-religiös gemischten Gesellschaften,” University of Leipzig
2007-2009    Kreitman Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva
2008    Ephraim Urbach Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture

Work Experience

Since 2011 –     Acting director of the Center for Jewish Art, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Since 2011 –     Research Fellow, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
2011 –     Teaching Fellow, Department of History, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva.
Since 1993 – Center for Jewish Art, Hebrew University in Jerusalem: historian, archivist, coordinator of the Architectural Section, publications coordinator. During the work at the Center for Jewish Art I participated in the following research projects: mapping synagogues in Europe (ongoing project), “Synagogues in Lithuania: A Catalogue” (ongoing project), “Wooden Synagogues in Lithuania,” “Documentation of Jewish Ritual Buildings in Brandenburg (Germany),” “Documentation and computerization of synagogues in Ukraine,” “Documentation of synagogues and ritual baths in Saxony and Thuringia (Germany),” “Documentation of synagogues in Czernowitz (Ukraine),” “Documentation of Jewish Ritual Buildings in Croatia,” “Documentation of synagogues in Drohobycz (Ukraine),” “Documentation of synagogues and ritual baths in Sachsen-Anhalt (Germany).”
2008-2010    Editor in chief, Internet project “Jewish History in Galicia and Bukovina” ( – a project of the Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for Russian and East European Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, aiming at collecting and making available the sources on Jewish history and culture in Galicia and Bukovina. In the framework of the project I headed the summer field schools in the Ivano-Frankivsk (Stanisławów) region in 2009 and 2010, which documented Jewish cemeteries, collected oral history and archival materials.
2008-2010    Project Director, “Synagogue Paintings in Romanian Moldavia in the 19th and 20th Centuries” – a research project at the Bar-Ilan University.
1997-1998    Service in the Israel Defense Forces, Medical Forces, Medical Supply Center.
1988    Guide in the A. S. Pushkin Memorial Museum, Leningrad.

Teaching Experience

“From Tradition to Modernity: The Jews of the Russian Empire in the ‘long’ 19th century,” Third Annual Summer School in Jewish History and Culture of East Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Center for Urban History of East Central Europe, Lviv, Ukraine (2012).
“Russian Imperial Foreign Policy, 1700–1917,” Department of History, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (2011).
“Emerging of Modern Russia: The Long Nineteenth Century in the Russian History, 1801–1917,” Department of History, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (2011).
“History of the Jews of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, 1772–1991,” Second Annual Summer School in Jewish History and Culture of East Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Center for Urban History of East Central Europe, Lviv, Ukraine (2011).
“Another Jew? Jews of the Soviet Union after World War II,” Department of Jewish History, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (2008–2009).
“A new Jew? Jews of the Soviet Union in the Interwar Period,” Department of Jewish History, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (2008–2009).
“Foreign Politics of the Russian Empire, 1700–1917,” Department of the Russian and Slavic Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2008).
“Jewish Politics in the Russian Empire and Soviet Union,” Department of Jewish History, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (2007–2008).
Courses at the summer field schools of the Moscow Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization “Sefer” and the Chais Center, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: “East European Jewry: from tradition to modernity” (2009); “Jewish History in Bukovina and Galicia” (2007), “Jews in Belorussia” (2007), “Archives in St. Petersburg” (2006), “Jewish Politics in the early 20th-century Russia” (2006), “Jews in Odessa” (2006).
Seminar “History of St. Petersburg's Jews,” The Jewish University of St. Petersburg (1991–1992)
Teaching of Jewish History in the Jewish Sunday School at the Jewish University of St. Petersburg (1990–1991).
Teaching of Jewish History in the Jewish School in St. Petersburg (1990–1992).