Books authored:
1.    Other Poems [Drugie stikhotvoreniia]. Jerusalem, 2000. 40 pp.
2.    Gorenko and Mandel’stam [Gorenko i Mandel’shtam]. Moscow: Dom evreiskoi knigi, 2005. 72 pp.
3.    The Summer of a Dormouse [Leto surka]. Moscow: Gesharim / Mosty kul’tury, 2011. 72 pp.

Journals edited:
1.    Solar Plexus [Solnechnoe spletenie] (Deputy Editor, issues 1–27, and one separate issue in Hebrew, Jerusalem; Moscow, 1998–2004).

Books edited:
1.    Simurg: The Literary almanac, [Simurg: Literaturno-khudozhestvennyi al’manakh]. Ed. and compiled by Evgeniy Gel’fand and Evgeniy Soshkin. Jerusalem, 1997. 240 pp.

2.    Gorenko, Anna, Poems [Stikhi]. Ed., compiled and commented by Evgeniy Soshkin. Jerusalem, 2000. 80 pp.

3.    Mafteakh ha-Lev (Deputy Editor, Hebrew almanac supported by ha-Kibbuts ha-Meukhad Publishing House, 2001. 176 pp.)

4.    Gorenko, Anna, Unripe Bread Feast [Prazdnik nespelogo khleba]. Ed. and compiled by Ilya Kukulin and Evgeniy Soshkin. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2003. 108 pp.

5.    Gogol and Italy: Proceedings of the International Conference “Nikolai Vasil’evich Gogol’: Between Russia and Italy” [Gogol’ i Italiia: Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Nikolai Vasil’evich Gogol’: mezhdu Italiei i Rossiei”]. Compiled by Michael Vaiskopf and Rita Dzhuliani. Ed. by Evgeniy Soshkin. Moscow: Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi gumanitarnyi universitet, 2004. 285 pp.

6.    Empire N: Nabokov and his Heirs. Collection of articles [Imperiia N: Nabokov i nasledniki. Sbornik statei]. Edited, compiled and with preface by Yuri Leving and Evgeniy Soshkin. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2006. 563 рр.

Reviews of this edition:
1. The Best Five Books of the Week. ExLibris. 1 November, 2007.
2. The Book on Nabokov’s Legacy and his Heirs Published. Radio Freedom. 17. January, 2007.
3. Sergei Shpalov. Nabokov, Likhachev, and the Soviet Estrada. Kultura. № 46 (7556), 23–29. November 2006.
4. Dmitri Zuev. Nabokov Studies Between Colonies and Centre of Empire. Russian Journal. 8. November, 2006.
5. News of Literature. Russian News Bureau Radio, 107.0 FM. 3. October, 2006.
6. Lisa Novikova. Greeting the Cover. Kommersant. 7 September, 2006.
7. Evgeniia Vezhlian. Knizhnaia polka Evgenii Vezhlian. Novyi Mir. 2007, № 1. P. 208.
8. Siggy Frank. Imperiia N: Nabokov i nasledniki. The Slavonic and East European Review, Volume 87, Number 2, April 2009. P. 347–349.

Scholarly works:
1.    “From Adam’s apple to Adam’s language: Anna Gorenko’s territory” [“Ot adamova iabloka do Adamova iazyka: territoriia Anny Gorenko”,] Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 57 (Moscow, 2002), 205—219.

2.    “Petr Buslaev’s ‘Umozritelstvo dushevnoe…’ in the context of Baroque poetics” [ “‘Umozritelstvo dushevnoe…’ Petra Buslaeva v sisteme poetiki barokko,”] XVIII vek, 23 (Sankt-Petersburg: Nauka, 2004), 56–69.

3.    “Gorenko and Mandelstam” [“Gorenko i Mandel’shtam,”] Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, 53 (Wien: Gesellschaft zur Fӧrderung slawisticher Studien, 2004), 73–129.

4.    “Who was hiding under a under the pseudonym Sasha Chernyi” [“Kto skryvalsia pod psevdonomom ‘Sasha Chernyi’,”] Shipovnik: Istoriko-filologicheskii sbornik k 60-letiiu R.D. Timenchika, sostaviteli Iu. Leving, A. Ospovat, Iu. Tsiv’ian (Moscow: Vodolei, 2005), 403–424.

5.    “Nabokov on a securities market” [“Nabokov na rynke tsennykh bumag,”] (co-authored with Y. Leving), Empire N: Nabokov and Heirs. Collection of articles. [Imperiia N: Nabokov i nasledniki. Sbornik statei, ] compiled and edited by Y. Leving, E. Soshkin (Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2006), 7–20.

6.    “Dostoevskii,” O.E. Mandel’shtam, ego predshestvenniki i sovremenniki: Zapiski Mandel’shtamovskogo obshchestva. Vypusk 11: Sbornik materialov k Mandel’shtamovskoi entsiklopedii (Moscow: Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi gumanitarnyi universitet, 2007), 65–71.

7.    “Why Akakii Akakievich fell back on his back” [“Pochemu Akakii Akakievich upal navznich,”] Literaturovedcheskii sbornik, 37–38: Tak kak zhe sdelana ‘Shinel’’ N.V. Gogolia? (Donetsk: Donetskii natsional’nyi universitet, 2009), 80–113.

8.    “Dot-matrix fields: On the publication of G.-D. Zinger’s book ‘Peregrination beyond the Designated Line’ [“Rastrovye polia: K izdaniiu knigi G.-D. Zinger ‘Khozhdenie za naznachennuiu chertu’,”] Vozdukh: Zhurnal poezii, 3/4 (Moscow: Proekt Argo, 2009), 225—229.

9.    “Rabelais and censorship: On euphemism which commentators did not comment and translators did not translate” [“Rable i tsenzura: Ob evfemizme, kotoryi kommentatory ne kommentirovali, a perevodchiki ne perevodili,”] Dialog. Karnaval. Khronotop: Nauchnyi zhurnal, 2(42) (Moscow, 2009), 123–130.

10.    Gendelev, Mikhail, “A Japanese in boiling water” [“Iaponets v kipiatke,”] prepared for publication and annotated by Evgeny Soshkin, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 98 (Moscow, 2009), 232–235.

11.    “On Mandelstam’s ‘Give Tiutchev a Dragonfly…’ [“K ponimaniiu stikhotvoreniia Mandel’shtama ‘Daite Tiutchevu strekozu…’,”] Permiakovskii sbornik. Chast’ 2, redactor-sostavitel’ N. Mazur (Moscow: Novoe izdatel’stvo, 2010), 529–547.

12.    “Hasidic traces in Pasternak’s ‘Steppe’” [“Khasidskii sled v ‘Stepi’,”] Vademekum: K 65-letiiu Lazaria Fleishmana, sostavlenie i redaktsiia A. Ustinova (Moscow: Vodolei, 2010), 199–200.

13.    The last slave on the mount Nebo: On Mandelstam’s ‘Yes, I’m lying in the ground moving my lips…’ [“Poslednii nevol’nik na gore Nevo: O stikhotvorenii Mandel’shtama ‘Da, ia lezhu v zemle, gubami shevelia…’,”] Metamorfozy russkoi literatury, sostavitel’ K. Ichina (Belgrade: Filologicheskii fakul'tet Belgradskogo universiteta, 2010), 165–198.

14.    “‘Ruslan and Liudmila’ and the Polish uprisings of 1831 and 1863 in the patriotic poetry of Pushkin and Tiutchev” [“‘Ruslan i Liudmila’ i Pol’skie vosstaniia 1831 i 1863 gg. v patrioticheskoi lirike Pushkina i Tiutcheva,”] Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 105 (Moscow, 2010), 145–149.

15.    “Between the Tomb and Prison: Intersection of the Poetic Codes in O. Mandelstam’s Poem ‘The blue eyes and the warm frontal bone…’. Article One [“Mezhdu mogiloi i tiur’moi: ‘Golubye glaza i goriachaia lobnaia kost’…’ O. Mandel’shtama na peresechenii poeticheskikh kodov. (Stat’ia pervaia),”] Blokovskii sbornik, XVIII: Rossiia i Estoniia v XX veke: dialog kul’tur, redactor toma L. Pil’d (Tartu: Tartu University Press, 2010), 56–79.

16.    “Between the Tomb and Prison: Intersection of the Poetic Codes in O. Mandelstam’s Poem ‘The blue eyes and the warm frontal bone…’. Article Two [“Mezhdu mogiloi i tiur’moi: ‘Golubye glaza i goriachaia lobnaia kost’…’ O. Mandel’shtama na peresechenii poeticheskikh kodov. (Stat’ia vtoraia),”] Studia Russica Helsingiensia et Tartuensia, XII: Mifologiia kul’turnogo prostranstva. K 80-letiiu S.G. Isakova, redaktory toma: L. Kiseleva, T. Stepanischeva (Tartu: Tartu University Press, 2011), 74–108.

17.    “Israeli Books and Periodicals in Russian: A Brief History,” Catalogue of Israeli Russian-Language Publications in the Harvard Library, ed. by Ch. Berlin and E. Vernon. Introduction by E. Soshkin (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Library, 2011), vii–xiii.

18.    “Leprosarium for blind: Mikhail Gendelev and the project of the Russian language literature of Israel” [“Leprozorii dlia nezriachikh: Mikhail Gendelev i proekt ‘Russkoiazychnaia literatura Izrailia’,”] Judaica Rossica – Rossica Judaica, redaktory-sostaviteli K. Ichin, E. Tolstaia (Belgrade: Filologicheskii fakul'tet Belgradskogo universiteta; Evreiskii universitet v Ierusalime, 2011), 236–254.

19.    “‘There lived Alexander Gertsovich…’: Materials for a commentary” [“‘Zhil Aleksandr Gertsovich…’: Materialy dlia kommentariia,”] “Sokhrani moiu rech…”, 5/2, redaktory-sostaviteli: S. Vasilenko, A. Es’kova, O. Lekmanov, P. Nerler, S. Shindin (Moscow: Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi gumanitarnyi universitet, 2011), 407–459.

20.    “A dialog of ‘Phaedon’ as a source for the hidden allegoric plot of ‘Overcoat’” [“Dialog ‘Fedon’ kak metasiuzhetnyi istochnik ‘Shineli’,”] Fenomen Gogolia: Materialy Iubileinoi mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, posviaschennoi 200-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia N.V. Gogolia. Moskva; Sankt-Peterburg, 5–10 oktiabria 2009 g., pod redaktsiei M.N. Virolainen i A.A. Karpova (Sankt-Petersburg: Petropolis, 2011), 299–312.

21.    “Lamarck’ swarthy cheeks” [“Smuglye scheki Lamarka,”] “Sokhrani moiu rech…,” 6 (Moscow: Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi gumanitarnyi universitet, 2012). – [Forthcoming].

22.    “Farlaf the midnight bridegroom: A parody on the Lenten troparion in ‘Ruslan and Liudmila’” [“Farlaf – polunoschnyi zhenikh: (Parodiia na velikopostnyi tropar’ v ‘Ruslane i Liudmile’),”] Russkaia literatura, 4/2012 (Sankt-Petersburg). – [Forthcoming].

23.    “A Detective series and a serial killer: the genre as a dilemma” [“Detektivnyi serial i seriinyi ubiitsa: Zhanr kak dilemma,”] Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 108 (Moscow, 2011), 184–213.

24.    “The devices of estrangement: an attempt for unification” [“Priemy ostraneniia: Opyt unifikatsii,”] Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 114 (Moscow, 2012).

25.    “Fekla Savishna i drugie: k prochteniiu Neotviaznoi mysli Benediktova” [“Fekla Savishna and others: about Benediktov’s Neotviaznaia mysl’,”] Toronto Slavic Quarterly, 41 (2012). – [Forthcoming].

26.    “A brief history of the Russian books and periodicals published in Israel” [“Ocherk istorii russkikh knig i zhurnalov, izdannykh v Izraile,”] Vestnik Evreiskogo universiteta, 15(33) (Jerusalem; Moscow, 2012). – [Forthcoming].

27.    “The great writer of the Russian water: Tolstoy’s art of being naïve as a device” [“Velikii pisatel’ vody russkoi: Iskusstvo byt’ naivnym kak priem u Tolstogo,”] Proseedings of the International Workshop “Leo Tolstoy after the Centennial” (Jerusalem, 2011) (Moscow, 2013). – [Forthcoming].

2005     IV World Congress on Interaction of Cultures “Messianic Ideas in Jewish and Slavic Cultures” (March 7–12, 2005, Jerusalem, Hebrew University, Mt. Scopus, Faculty of Humanities).

2009     International Workshop “New Perspectives on Assimilation and Antisemitism in Russian Literature” (June 23–25, 2009, Jerusalem, Hebrew University, Mt. Scopus, Faculty of Humanities).

2011     International Workshop “Leo Tolstoy after the Centennial” (October 24–25, 2011, Jerusalem, Hebrew University, Mt. Scopus, Faculty of Humanities).

2011     206-th session of the Jerusalem Bibliophiles’ Club. Presentation of the “Catalogue of Israeli Russian-Language Publications in the Harvard Library” (December 29, 2011, Jerusalem Municipal Russian library).